Page name: Thats the way the cookie crumbles [Logged in view] [RSS]
2011-11-17 00:44:17
Last author: Yume Youki
Owner: Mrs Vicious.
# of watchers: 14
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D20: 16
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by~ [Mrs Vicious.]

Welcome one and all to Momma V's cookie house. Home of cookies and tea parties and everything in between. Hopefully oneday it could possibly become a RP? Ideas as to how are very welcome. If you would all like to sign your name below under "Momma V's members." it would be much appriciated.


1)[Mrs Vicious.]~(Momma V)
3)[La Luna]
4)[another brick in the wall]
8)[Gypsy Mystik]
9)[Talos Cyrion]
11)[Evolution X]
13)[Ghost the Hybrid]
15)[Yume Youki] ~(I love cookies! <3)
About the valued members


Cookie crumbles Recipes~ SHARE RECIPES!
Cookie crumbles RP's~ where you can link to your fave RP's
Cookie crumbles Hobbies~ Talk about your hobbies and interests
Cookie crumbles Poem's post poetry and/or get help with writing something.
Cookie crumbles Stories~ Stories of all kinds.
Cookie crumbles Photo's/Art~ Art and photo's
Cookie crumbles RP ideas~ for help with making RP's and general brain storming.
Thats the way the cookie crumbles RP~ (TOTALLY UNDER CONSTRUCTION)

The Poem, sotries and art/photo wikies are subject to demand. (basically if no one wants them, Im getting rid of them. which would be a shame.)

Though if you do want them, we could have compotitions and votes, the prize? a cookie crumble badge!! (need to make one... and logo's and verious other things for this place.)

Thats the way the cookie's banners

Username (or number or email):


2010-10-28 [Ghost the Hybrid]: i looove subway<3

2010-10-28 [La Luna]: I <3333333 John

2010-10-28 [Ghost the Hybrid]: lol

2010-10-28 [La Luna]: hehe its a boy i have a crush on <33

2010-10-28 [Ghost the Hybrid]: i guessed

2010-10-28 [KnightAngel]: Only one minus to the Sunset thing, only one place in sweden I've found it, otherwise I have to go to Denmark to buy it XP

2010-10-28 [Ghost the Hybrid]: aww

2010-10-28 [KnightAngel]: *nods* So either I have to go that city or to Denmark XP Not that they're that far apart really but yeah XD

2010-10-28 [Ghost the Hybrid]: lol

2010-10-28 [La Luna]: UGH THIS ESSAY ON STEPHEN HAWKING IS DRIVING ME UP THE WALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2010-10-28 [Ghost the Hybrid]: aww

2010-10-29 [Mrs Vicious.]: now missy, no throwing a hissy fit.

2010-10-29 [La Luna]: GAH i printed it and saved it then realized i screwed up went to fix it and it wasnt there!!!!!!!!

2010-10-29 [KnightAngel]: Oh, I hate when that happens ^^

2010-10-29 [Top_Hatter]: ...I think Jesus has been through here. My tea tastes like wine...

2010-10-29 [KnightAngel]: *blinks* Think more it's somebody that has spiked your tea.... *hides winebottle*

2010-10-29 [Ghost the Hybrid]: and i think that someone spiked the wine*hides a vodka bottle*

2010-10-29 [Talos Cyrion]: looks around, oh dear....i wouldn't have touched abit of me own sauce to put in the vodka if ye catch me drift

2010-10-29 [Ghost the Hybrid]: *giggles*

2010-10-29 [Talos Cyrion]: *pulls out a flask* you see that is why i bring me own drink....not a risk for it being spiked.

2010-10-29 [Ghost the Hybrid]: *has a dirty mind obviously* good point

2010-10-29 [Talos Cyrion]: -.-...i set myself up for that one....oi...well i can't say i didn't deserve it just ask my facebook they'd love to see me get caught in one of these

2010-10-29 [Ghost the Hybrid]: trust me i have a dirty mind....

2010-10-29 [Talos Cyrion]: oh so do i my do i

2010-10-29 [Ghost the Hybrid]: i'm female...shouldn't have a dirty mind

2010-10-29 [Talos Cyrion]: lol most girls i know are worse than alot of guys, and considering some of the dudes i know that's saying something haha. It's just a stereotype really.

2010-10-29 [Ghost the Hybrid]: i know:P

2010-10-30 [Eyden13]: is very true.

2010-10-31 [La Luna]: hehehehehehehehehehhehe many hearts (it goes on for so long)

2010-10-31 [Ghost the Hybrid]: lol

2010-10-31 [Talos Cyrion]:

2010-10-31 [Top_Hatter]: I feel like if I squint my eyes right...I can see a sail boat :/

2010-10-31 [La Luna]: I REALLY like salty pumkin seeds :)

2010-10-31 [Mrs Vicious.]: yes, we appreciate this but there is no need to spam the page.

2010-10-31 [Top_Hatter]: I don't know...I haven't had a good Spammich in a while >.< lol

2010-10-31 [Mrs Vicious.]: Oh shush you, I'll have no spamming on my page thank you.

2010-10-31 [Top_Hatter]: *gasp*..thou shush'st me?! >.<

2010-10-31 [Mrs Vicious.]: *raises an eye brow* Aye, that I hath. What art thou to say about it?

2010-10-31 [Top_Hatter]: *ponders to self:* ..."What hath one to say when one hath been shush'd?...for suredly if one speaks after having been shush'd will only be open to more shushing, despite the volume or logic presented or projected in one's defense...perhaps it is better to say nothing? Less is more after all..." *continues ignoring the illustrious intrusion to ponder pensively whilst wearing a fretful face, making meticulous mannerisms, contemplative sub-conscience corrections and gesticulative gestures, alluding to aloofness and audio-less articulate and argumentative accusations*

2010-10-31 [Eyden13]: HAPPY HALLOWEEN!

2010-11-01 [KnightAngel]: Happy halloween to you too ^^'

2010-11-01 [Mrs Vicious.]: Happy hallow.. wait, no its over.

2010-11-01 [KnightAngel]: *shrugs* It was when I even saw that Eyden wrote it but yeah didn't want to seem rude none the less XP

2010-11-01 [Ghost the Hybrid]: happy late halloween

2010-11-01 [KnightAngel]: *chuckles* Yeah, that'll work XP

2010-11-01 [Ghost the Hybrid]: i know

2010-11-01 [Mrs Vicious.]: *yawns and chews on some toast*

2010-11-01 [Ghost the Hybrid]: *sits down in a corner wrapped up in a blanket knitting*

2010-11-01 [Mrs Vicious.]: What are you making?

2010-11-01 [KnightAngel]: *blinks and thinks to self then starts broidering something* Good idea Yume :P

2010-11-01 [Mrs Vicious.]: Embroidering something hun

2010-11-01 [Ghost the Hybrid]: i'm making a pair of new mittens since my current once are really worn

2010-11-01 [KnightAngel]: *grins and shrugs* Well either way then that's what I was doing :p

2010-11-01 [Mrs Vicious.]: ahhh fair enough. I've only been able to make like scarves and things

2010-11-01 [KnightAngel]: I don't even really know that, or at least don't remember how to anymore, I do know embroidering and my mom knows both, she's really awesome with such :p Well with her hands all in all

2010-11-01 [Mrs Vicious.]: its just simple... you keep knitting and Boom, you have a scarf.

2010-11-01 [Ghost the Hybrid]: i made a scarf yesterday and i needed some challenge so i ended up trying to make a pair of mittens again

2010-11-01 [Mrs Vicious.]: Oohh..I might look up how to make a hat at some point.

2010-11-01 [KnightAngel]: Yeah and well meant knitting itself, learned how to once but yeah XP

2010-11-01 [Mrs Vicious.]: but yeah, like yeah but yeah but.. yeah.

2010-11-01 [KnightAngel]: *nods* I know, it's an annoying habit and was really tempted right after that to write it again but I didn't

2010-11-01 [La Luna]: HAPPY LATE HALLOWEEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2010-11-01 [Mrs Vicious.]:

2010-11-01 [Ghost the Hybrid]: meow?

2010-11-01 [Sauron]: Quite, yeah..

2010-11-01 [La Luna]: sorry :( i was trick or treating all last night then i had school

2010-11-01 [Top_Hatter]: So what did everyone go as, and does anyone have pics posted yet?

2010-11-01 [KnightAngel]: Me, that's scary enough for all of you, pics are posted anywhere on my page :P

2010-11-01 [Ghost the Hybrid]: i would have gone as a cat,but i didn't trick or treat-_-'

2010-11-01 [La Luna]: A super bloody horseback rider :D

2010-11-01 [Mrs Vicious.]: I went as a sexy witch and went out drinking before halloween.

2010-11-01 [La Luna]: Hehehe I participated in some illegal mistchiff

2010-11-02 [KnightAngel]: Sounds like fun V, would have loved to see the costume, oh well ^^

2010-11-02 [Mrs Vicious.]: Luna, how clever broadcasting you did something illegal. *claps* clever.

Knight, no pictures were taken of me in the dress so you couldn't have seen it.

2010-11-02 [KnightAngel]: *shrugs* Just stating that I would have liked to see you in such a costume, but it doesn't matter either way ^^

2010-11-02 [Mrs Vicious.]: nope, it doesn't.

2010-11-02 [Ghost the Hybrid]: aww

2010-11-02 [La Luna]: :) i know right :)

2010-11-02 [KnightAngel]: She was being sarcastic, she hates criminal deeds ^^

2010-11-02 [La Luna]: Hey! how was i supposed to know it would explode......

2010-11-02 [Ghost the Hybrid]: *blinks*

2010-11-02 [KnightAngel]: Cause exploding things usually does that :P

2010-11-02 [Ghost the Hybrid]: meow?

2010-11-03 [La Luna]: OH um whipped cream cans can explode??

2010-11-03 [Mrs Vicious.]: Yeah it says on the can. All pressurised cans can explode.

2010-11-03 [La Luna]: It was epic though whipped cream flew every were covering all my friends we all died laughing

2010-11-03 [KnightAngel]: is that actually an criminal deed? o.o

2010-11-03 [Ghost the Hybrid]: *blinks*

2010-11-03 [La Luna]: I'm not sure is it?

2010-11-03 [Mrs Vicious.]: Probably not.

2010-11-03 [Ghost the Hybrid]: what are you guys talking about?

2010-11-03 [KnightAngel]: Weither blowing up a whipped cream can was illegal or not XP

2010-11-03 [La Luna]: OKie doke then i am not a criminal mistivient and Vicious can love me again :D

2010-11-03 [Ghost the Hybrid]: oh ok

2010-11-03 [Mrs Vicious.]: ... Wow can I?! that's Marvellous!

2010-11-03 [Eyden13]: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh life is so buisy

2010-11-03 [Ghost the Hybrid]: *glomps randomly*

2010-11-03 [Eyden13]: *glomps back*

2010-11-03 [Ghost the Hybrid]: wheee*hugs*

2010-11-04 [Sauron]:'s life everybody?

2010-11-04 [Mrs Vicious.]: I'm good. trying to find a job.

2010-11-05 [Ghost the Hybrid]: life is ok


2010-11-05 [Mrs Vicious.]: *hands hatter a biscuit* there there.

2010-11-08 [Eyden13]: hey what happen to top hatter his profile says he disappeared.

2010-11-08 [Ghost the Hybrid]: no hatter T_T


2010-11-09 [Eyden13]: *tear* he will be missed

2010-11-09 [Mrs Vicious.]: he's just re doing it.

2010-11-09 [Ghost the Hybrid]: oh ok

2010-11-09 [Mrs Vicious.]: putting up my nieces recipe for Blue and green banana cake.

2010-11-09 [Ghost the Hybrid]: wow

2010-11-09 [Mrs Vicious.]: its awesome, I'm thinking of putting it up on my profile cos it looks cool.

2010-11-09 [Ghost the Hybrid]: cool

2010-11-10 [Sauron]: Wait, blue and green banana cake?
Make love, not nuclear weapons! :P

2010-11-10 [Mrs Vicious.]: it wasn't a weapon. really tasty actually.

2010-11-10 [Ghost the Hybrid]: i'd like to ask you something V

2010-11-10 [Mrs Vicious.]: go for it.

2010-11-11 [Ghost the Hybrid]: is it ok if i ask it in a private message?

2010-11-11 [La Luna]: I have the absolute BEST chicken stroganoff recipe :D

2010-11-11 [Ghost the Hybrid]: wow i'm not the only one that likes chicken stroganoff:O

2010-11-11 [La Luna]: :O YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOOOOOOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2010-11-11 [Ghost the Hybrid]: me too

2010-11-12 [Mrs Vicious.]: Luna, stop spamming the page with your !. ok. I had to delete your comment with all the <3 bollocks, mkay? takes up too much room and theres no need.

Yume, go for it.

2010-11-12 [The Blood Angel]: Breasts!

2010-11-12 [Mrs Vicious.]: Oh now you comment.

2010-11-12 [The Blood Angel]: I like to make an entrance.

2010-11-12 [Mrs Vicious.]: As always.

2010-11-12 [La Luna]: .... sorry Vicy :)

2010-11-12 [Ghost the Hybrid]: meow

2010-11-12 [Mrs Vicious.]: who's Vicy?

2010-11-12 [Ghost the Hybrid]: i think it's you V

2010-11-12 [La Luna]: Um do you not want me to call you that?

2010-11-12 [Mrs Vicious.]: Oh, mkays. It would be preferable you don't

2010-11-12 [La Luna]: Kk Vicious :D

2010-11-12 [Ghost the Hybrid]: ^^'

2010-11-12 [Mrs Vicious.]: Seen as neither my username or my actual name is anywhere near Vicy it is a no no.

2010-11-12 [Ghost the Hybrid]: i think it's the VIC in viciouce she's on about tho^^'

2010-11-12 [Mrs Vicious.]: .. Vicious. VICIOUS DAMN IT.

2010-11-12 [Ghost the Hybrid]: i'll just go and hide.....sorry that i'm not a native english speaker and sorry for having problem spelling...english is actually my 3rd language

2010-11-12 [La Luna]: O: COOL!

2010-11-12 [Mrs Vicious.]: No need to go and hide I was just saying.

2010-11-12 [Ghost the Hybrid]: my first language where danish even tho i was born in sweden, my second language where swedish, my third where english, my 4th where spanish, 5th where italian and my 6th is japanese...tho i only remember danish,swedish,english and japanese atm^^'

2010-11-12 [Mrs Vicious.]: Uh huh. I got it the first time.

2010-11-12 [Ghost the Hybrid]: ok

2010-11-13 [La Luna]: Cool i know english and french and a tensy bit of galic. Though my friend can speak four languages swedish and english fluently and spanish and french not fluently

2010-11-13 [Mrs Vicious.]: Gaelic dear. As in Irish?

2010-11-13 [The Blood Angel]: I speak 1 language other than English! And thats the language of the drunkard :D

2010-11-13 [KnightAngel]: I speak only a few fluently and then random words from various languages, just barely getting into tourist level with some, might have said that but yeah XP

2010-11-13 [Mrs Vicious.]: I know two Languages, English and Bad English.

2010-11-13 [La Luna]: *sigh* i lways forget the stupid e..

2010-11-13 [Mrs Vicious.]: its not stupid, its how its spelt.

2010-11-13 [La Luna]: I just hate the letter e

2010-11-14 [Mrs Vicious.]: Diddums.

2010-11-14 [La Luna]: I'm making a wiki :D

2010-11-14 [Mrs Vicious.]: good for you.

2010-11-14 [La Luna]: Its super duper coolio :)

2010-11-14 [Ghost the Hybrid]: i'm trying to figure out wither me and a friend should make an own homepage or make an etsy account

2010-11-14 [La Luna]: Well dont take my name-----> Never Ending Nightmare

2010-11-14 [Ghost the Hybrid]: we wont, just need to figure out if we want to pay every time we're trying to sell something or not

2010-11-14 [Mrs Vicious.]: luna if you want to advertise the wiki, do it on your own page. not here. unless its an RP then you can put it in the RP page.

2010-11-14 [Ghost the Hybrid]: V i need you advice bout the thing i told you in the pm>_<

2010-11-14 [Mrs Vicious.]: go for it.

2010-11-14 [Ghost the Hybrid]: i'll pm you

2010-11-15 [La Luna]: not advertising its still in the works...

2010-11-15 [Ghost the Hybrid]: meow

2010-11-15 [Mrs Vicious.]: I'm just saying. want to tell people bout it put it in your mood or something.

2010-11-15 [La Luna]: okie doke i will when i finish...

2010-11-16 [Ghost the Hybrid]: cool

2011-02-03 [Top_Hatter]: *noms on random person*

2011-02-03 [Ghost the Hybrid]: why noming me?

2011-02-03 [Top_Hatter]: Because you are sweet XD

2011-02-03 [Ghost the Hybrid]: aww

2011-02-07 [Mrs Vicious.]: wow this place needs dusting. haha.

2011-02-07 [Ghost the Hybrid]: lol i've noticed*sneezes*

2011-02-07 [Mrs Vicious.]: lol, how is everyone?

2011-02-07 [Ghost the Hybrid]: i'm pretty good thanx

2011-02-07 [Mrs Vicious.]: cool beans.

2011-02-07 [Ghost the Hybrid]: had a bad time the past few months thou

2011-02-07 [Mrs Vicious.]: ahh, okies, what's up?

2011-02-07 [Ghost the Hybrid]: allot of things

2011-02-07 [Mrs Vicious.]: okies.

2011-02-07 [Ghost the Hybrid]: *sighs* life is evil at times

2011-02-07 [Mrs Vicious.]: Oh it's boring and uneventful most of the time. good shit happens, bad shit happens and we all just get on.

2011-02-07 [Ghost the Hybrid]: trust me i have a hard time atm

2011-02-07 [Mrs Vicious.]: Lol point me to someone who isnt having a hard time hun.

2011-02-07 [Ghost the Hybrid]: i didn't mean it like that

2011-02-07 [Mrs Vicious.]: *Shrugs*

2011-02-07 [Ghost the Hybrid]: *tilts her head*

2011-02-07 [Mrs Vicious.]: Anywaaayyy. This place needs perking up again.

2011-02-07 [Ghost the Hybrid]: i agree

2011-02-09 [Eyden13]: hellos everyone. How are you all doing?

2011-02-09 [Ghost the Hybrid]: a bit meh but i'll be fine

2011-11-03 [Eyden13]: aww this place died

2011-11-03 [KnightAngel]: To bad really, it was and still is a fun place ^^

2011-11-04 [Eyden13]: agreed!

2012-01-19 [Ghost the Hybrid]: omg was so long time since anyone was active here:O

2012-04-08 [timmyT]: is she ok dos any1 no

2012-04-08 [KnightAngel]: Meaning vicious? She's pretty much hunky-dory or how you want to call it ^^ For the most part, with consideration of life's inevitable knack for throwing us curveballs

2012-05-27 [timmyT]: she hasint been on in soooo long iv been wereyd sik..... any1 no how i can contact her?

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